Friday, January 22, 2016

God's Protection

My friend Kristina, has given me permission to share the following testimony of the power of God working on her behalf, on behalf of her children.

God Bless,

"Over the past 2 years God has placed me in situations where I HAD to trust God with my children....I literally HAD too, I had no other choice. This past year has been particularly trying and God has taken me thru each and every situation as I have worked out my salvation with fear and trembling. Eventually coming thru each trial more purged, more sanctified and more justified by the gospel. The anguish of my soul has been unbearable at times and each time I'd come to the end of me.....Jesus was there.
We have been taught that we will need to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ and live in Psalm 91, especially in today's world and things to come. I have prayed this psalm many times for my household and especially my children as I have to send them out often for sometimes days at a time without seeing them. And sometimes just sending them off to school. They are young, real young. It's been a psalm I have held onto and the hope that them leaving like they do will come to an end.
Just this past weekend my sons went on a ski trip to Indiana with their dad. I recall praying during that time Psalm 91 on their behalf. It brought me some peace during difficult moments. I hadn't talked to them until Monday night upon their return. I found out that my oldest son had gotten lost and separated from his brother and dad. Mind you there are thousands of people at this ski resort. Thank God his dad gave them all radios in the event this happened. They were able to talk over the radio but then it went silent for quite sometime as Michael was so afraid and crying so hard and unable to get his gloves off to answer, fear rose. Eventually he was found by his dad but he was one scared little boy.
As I listened to them share and watched as the fear rose in one because he was lost and the either because he feared he would never see his brother again, I realized the magnitude of what reading and believing Psalm 91 was about. It's no lie! No evil came near my son that day. Oh.... it could have and everyday children get lost and you never see them again or something terrible happens to them. But I know and believe strongly that God withheld evil that day and only allowed what happened to happen, because I have set my love upon Him. Michael shared with me how he prayed Jesus thru his crying and fear. I said He heard you and never left you.
Then I shared something that I knew was from the Lord and in a way I never thought. I told him of the story where Jesus leaves the 99 to go find the one lost. I said that one lost was you Michael and you will never be lost again. He cried. That ministered faith to both of us. I thank God that we have been instructed through Doyle Davidson with Water of Life Ministries to believe the gospel and to mix our faith as we read the psalms out loud along with Isaiah 52 and 53. Anything could have happened to him this past weekend but I choose to trust in the gospel and trust God with my sons. This was not easy. It was grievous but He never left them and worked much out of my heart in the process.
I encourage you to listen to the attached video of Kathy Davidson with WOL Ministries preaching the gospel and how to live in Psalm 91. It will bless you. Read Psalm 91 and mix your faith with works and you will see that for yourself.

God bless
Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalm 91:9-11"

You can find Kathie Davidson at:

Kathie Davidson - Water of Life Ministries

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