Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Supernatural Move By God

Doyle Davidson is founder and president of Water of Life Church, Plano, Texas. The following is a testimony that took place early in his walk with the Lord while he was still practicing veterinary medicine. 

It has certainly ministered to me and I believe it will minister to others.

God bless,

A Supernatural Move By God
by Doyle Davidson

In 1974, I was living in Argyle and practicing veterinary medicine. I received a phone call from a horse owner who had a seventeen-year old mare that was giving birth to her first foal.  

I went out to the farm and it was about 100 degrees that day. I could see that this mare wasn’t going to live; she didn’t have the strength and she was suffering from heat exhaustion.  I said, 

 “Lord, I need some cool air.” 

A thunderstorm formed within minutes, and with it was cold air, dropping the temperature (at least) into the seventies. Patti was with me and she was praying. 

I just stood by and watched; the temperature came down and the mare delivered a live foal with no help from me. We watched both the mare and foal get up.  A grandson of the owner of the Baltimore Sun newspaper was visiting the farm that day and witnessed it all. He asked Patti, “Were you praying?” 

“Yes,” she said.  

He made a statement to the effect that he was wondering if God had done that and said, “I got my answer...” 

The land was west of Lewisville [Texas] on 1171, owned by a good friend of mine, Jack Christiansen. His son Craig was also present and witnessed the whole thing.  

That was one of the greatest miracles I have witnessed. Only God knows what that did for me and Patti that day.  

God bless,
 Doyle Davidson
Servant and apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ 

Monday, August 22, 2016

Saved from Hell by a Prayer of Intercession

My sister suffered a cardiac arrest on a Friday morning. She was intubated and airlifted to the hospital and remained in a coma for six days, and on the sixth day she woke up.
Her medical team didn’t expect her to live, let alone come out of the coma without brain damage from lack of oxygen and they told us as much. But God was in this, He was after hearts. I cannot speak for anyone else, but he was surely dealing with mine.

Each time we would tell an attending nurse something that we thought demonstrated a response from our sister, they would just look at us, often saying, “Yes, but it wasn’t a purposeful movement, it’s just reflex, she doesn’t respond to our commands to move her feet, or squeeze our fingers.”  
I was somewhat comforted by a conversation I had with my sister months earlier when I had asked her, “If you die, where will you go?” She immediately responded by saying, “To be with Jesus.” I believed I had committed her to God.

The first Tuesday (following her admission to the hospital) late in the evening, I saw her eyes open when they turned her, something she hadn’t done since the first day she arrived there. When the nurses weren’t in the room and sometimes when they were, I would stand beside her bed and speak to her, preach the gospel to her—I would tell her to call on the name of Jesus; I would tell her to think the name of Jesus in her heart, if she couldn’t say it. I talked to her every day like she could hear me; we all did. A friend had encouraged me with a message that I could still minister to her spirit.
And that night (Tuesday), I got right in front of her face and said, “Look at me, look at me! I know you are in there! Look at me!” Two times she opened her eyes and I know I saw her actually look at me for a brief instant. The night nurses said she continued to open them during the night. Wednesday morning, her respiratory team came in and told me they were going to try to switch her ventilator to C-Pap and see if it was possible to get her off the ventilator. She breathed on her own for about two hours, but was still not responding to their commands with purposeful movements, so they switched her back on ventilator to let the machine breath for her.

I had informed Doyle (president and founder of Water of Life Ministries) the morning she was airlifted and had kept him somewhat apprised of the situation. On Wednesday morning I sent a message:

“She started opening her eyes last night. This morning seems like she recognized my voice when I talked to her. They changed the ventilator to C-Pap and she is breathing on her own, if that goes smooth today, possibility of taking her off the ventilator soon if she begins responding to commands.”

I received a message back from Kathie:
I read this to Doyle. Yesterday morning while we were getting ready he was praying and said, “Jesus, intervene in this situation" (your sister). Keep preaching girl.

It was Tuesday morning that Doyle prayed that prayer. I knew in my heart God had given him that prayer and it was a prayer of faith.
We had been taking turns staying with her at the hospital, day and night, and Wednesday afternoon, I was getting ready to go home and I went to tell my sister goodbye. Her nurse was at her computer, just outside my sister’s room and said, “Come here, I want to show you something.” She placed two fingers inside my sister’s hand and said her name and told her to “squeeze my fingers” and she did, I saw it. “Now you do it” she told me. I was on the other side of the bed and slid my fingers inside her hand and said, “Squeeze my fingers” and I felt the slightest pressure from her hand. The nurse seemed barely able to contain her excitement as she told me she had commanded her to do it a number of times to be certain before she told the doctor and before she told us.  My sister had begun to wake up.

The next morning (Thursday) the night nurse described her as “alert and rambunctious.” Her ventilator tube was removed and replaced with an oxygen mask. After that she graduated to the nasal cannula and was able to receive ice chips, and then water and then was actually eating jello!
We knew we were witness to the power of God being demonstrated right before our eyes and her entire medical team.

But the most important part of this testimony is this:
Thursday, the family member staying with her that day called me and put me on speaker so I could talk to my sister and one of the first things I asked her was, “Where have you been?” I was not prepared for her answer.

She said, “Well first, I went to hell, and then I came back to my family.”
I did not expect that—and I didn’t want to believe her. I didn’t ask anything else; we talked a bit more and then hung up.

The next morning, when I got to the hospital, I hugged her and sat down beside her bed and she began to talk. She said, “I was in this really dark place, a dark, wooded place and I couldn’t get out. Finally I started praying and said, “Lord you have to help me get out of this dark place and back to my family.”
I knew heaven wasn’t dark, and I knew what Jesus said about hell—it was dark. As we continued to talk, I told her,

“I can’t do this for you; Doyle can’t do this for you. This is between you and the Lord. You must get before the Lord and talk to him. Romans 10 says, “…if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that he was raised from the dead, you shall be saved. You are going to have get before the Lord and talk to Him; this is between you and Jesus.”

The next morning, I was awake early and was just quietly praying the name of Jesus and she said, “I’ve been doing that too.
I said, “Doing what?”

“Talking to the Lord,” she said.
A day or two later during another conversation I asked her, “What did you ask the Lord?”

“I asked him to save me,” she said.
There were many, many people praying for her and we are so very grateful; but I believe God gave Doyle that  simple prayer; it was a prayer of intercession, prayed in faith. Without that prayer, I believe my sister would have gone to hell for all eternity. God saved her…I had NOTHING to do with it! He gave a prayer to His servant and that prayer accomplished the will of God, it brought eternal salvation.

I had ministered the gospel to her many times, she told me she was "going to live with Jesus” if she died. I thought I knew, but—I didn’t know anything.
I am convinced—convinced, we cannot do anything. It is God that saves and it is never too late!

These days my sister is sharing with many people, nurses, doctors, etc., that Jesus saved her, saved her life..she is confessing Jesus before men.
The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, but that all should come to repentance.”
2 Peter 3:9

Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that THE GOODNESS OF GOD LEADETH THEE TO REPENTANCE? Romans 2:4

I am humbled...humbled, at the goodness of God.

God Bless,


Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence Day, July 4th, 1776

America celebrates our Independence from Great Britain on July 4th. The following is a transcribed message that was delivered July 3, 2016 by Kathie Davidson, Water of Life Ministries. It may give you a new perspective on the founding of our nation.

God bless,

Transcribed and edited from:
Sunday 6:00 PM July 3, 2016 Livestream Broadcast

Kathie Davidson:

In a couple minutes, we are going to worship and praise God and what we don’t know, what we have not heard was when the Declaration of Independence was ratified, and signed and they found that July 4th was going to be a holiday, John Adams said, You know what we need to do? We need to spend July 4th fasting and praying and praising God. So we are going to do what John Adams wanted.

When we were in prayer this afternoon, Doyle asked me, “Do you have anything to say tonight” and I said “No” and we started praying and God started talking and it was wonderful and I want to share it with you.

 I’m going to do something that is not normally done: I’m going to put church history and American history together, because they are parallel and you will see that.

I want to begin by sharing with you the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence. Tomorrow in America it is the 4th of July; we celebrate our Independence Day.

The Declaration of Independence was ratified (voted on) on July 2nd, on July 4th they signed it—this is the day we decided to celebrate.

The second sentence in the Declaration of Independence, a huge document, that did something that history had never seen before said:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator…

And you say that our forefathers did not believe in God.

…with certain unalienable Rights, (certain rights that you cannot take away) that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness—that is what our Continental congress voted on, to ratify the Declaration of Independence and what we were telling England was:

“We’re done with ya, we are done with you. We have our own country and this is why: because we have certain rights given to us by our creator and we’re going to follow those rights.”

Now, what you weren’t taught in high school, what you weren’t taught in elementary school, was, that in the middle of this, from 1720 to 1770 America was in a huge revival; look it up in your church history.  What happened was in 1720, one hundred years after the Pilgrims showed up, the preachers in 1720 realized that the children of all those people came across for religious freedom, to worship God as they saw fit, the children weren’t doing what their parents were doing. And they realized their children weren’t interested in God. All their children were interested in was money and land—sound familiar? Their children wanted prosperity, that’s where their hearts went.

So they started to pray and preachers started to preach and a revival broke out. If you remember the name, Jonathan Edwards, he was one of the first evangelists in America. Jonathan Edwards started preaching an interesting series of sermons: justification by faith alone. You know what I preached this morning? Justification by faith alone. That kind of made me happy when God showed me this.

But, Jonathan Edwards was one of the first evangelists and huge crowds started coming, huge crowds started listening and huge crowds started believing. He said in one meeting, 300 people were born again and that was just the beginning.

Then a little later on, we had another evangelist by the name of George Whitfield. I don’t know if you knew about George Whitfield but he came up in the time of the Revolution and George Whitfield had huge crowds come to him. This is in the 1700s and he would have 32,000 people show up to hear. George Whitfield had a friend, Benjamin Franklin.

Benjamin Franklin never publicly said that he was born again but Benjamin Franklin became a good friend of Whitfield and actually, he began publishing Whitfield’s books for him. They would meet and they would talk, and Benjamin Franklin made a wonderful statement. He said after Whitfield would minister in a town, in his town, he couldn’t believe the change in the people. We are talking thousands changing, thousands being born again. Ben Franklin said the change was amazing; he said he would walk down the street in the summertime and peoples’ windows would be open and he could hear people in their homes reading the Psalms out loud. Does that familiar?

Revival in America, and do you know what Whitfield preached? The gospel. He said to the people, “You must get back to the gospel; you must walk in the gospel,” that’s what Whitfield preached.
Now in the middle of this, we end up starting a revolution. We end up having a preamble to the Declaration of Independence that says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal…” Where did that come from? It came from the revival. Who sent the revival? Our heavenly Father sent the revival. Our Father sent the revival. Why? Why did we have a revival? It was called the Great Awakening. Why this revival in the United States and why did It bring out the Declaration of Independence? Why did America escape from Great Britain? Why did America now have their own country?

Back to the preamble:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Go with me to 1 Timothy 2:

1 I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.

Does that sound like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Do you see what that bible brought us? It brought us the Declaration of Independence and not only that, it brought us the Constitution. And do you know what the First Amendment in the constitution is? Freedom of religion. Freedom to meet together, freedom to have the religion that you believe, freedom to walk in your conscience obeying God, freedom to walk in the gospel—that we may have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Do you see how those two things parallel? Do you see how that revival brought this? Do you see how God talked to our forefathers? Do you see how they heard this? And do you see how it showed up in our Constitution and out Declaration of Independence?

Yes, these men did believe God.

Go with me to John 10:10. Life, liberty, a pursuit of happiness—I know there are other documents, but you are talking about men that listened to people preaching the gospel for sixty years. Our forefathers heard them, John Adams heard them, obviously Ben Franklin did, Thomas Jefferson did; they heard these ministers, they were in their churches, they heard the gospel preached. And what does John 10:10 say?

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Do you see that out of that revival, God gave us a country and gave us the freedom to walk in the gospel?  Do you see that through the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, we as a people were given the freedom, the freedom to walk in the gospel? Now who gave us that freedom? The heavenly Father, and where did we get it? We got it through the gospel.

America, America, you were given your freedoms to obey the gospel, to walk in the gospel; the freedom to meet together, the freedom to read that bible, the freedom to walk in the Holy Ghost and now you want to give it up. You want to give it up for Obama Care, you want to give it up for Social Security, you want to give it up for food stamps when you could have had what Jesus said, “that you might have life, and have it more abundantly.”

You know what America? There is a people here that are going to go on and they are going to walk in the gospel and they are the people of God and they are going to stand up, they are going to be the Church that Jesus brought, the Church that Jesus made and someday that Church is going to go be with Him in heaven. Amen. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Strength of the Spirit of the Lord Jesus

The following message ministered by Kathie Davidson will bless you and encourage you--it will stir up your faith. I encourage you to listen, follow along in your bible; it just might change your life!

God Bless,

Scripture References:
Hebrews 2:14-18
Philippians 2
2 Corinthians 13:4...
1 Corinthians 13:4
1 Corinthians 6:17
Psalm 22:1-22
Habakkuk 1:13
Psalm 69:7-12; 13-21
John 15:7-10
John 3

You can find other messages by Kathie Davidson here.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Daniel's Birth by Terre Brown

The following, "Daniel's Birth," is a testimony of the power of God working in a mother's life, on behalf of her baby, just like the ruler in Mark 5:22-43:

22 And, behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet,

23 And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live.

Jesus started to go with Jairus and was interrupted by a woman with an issue of blood. She was healed when she touched him, and following the conversation she had with Jesus, someone from the house of Jairus told Jesus and Jairus, "Don't bother coming, the little girl has died." 

Jesus said, "Be not afraid, only believe."

He went to Jairus' house and by the power of God, raised the little girl from the dead. 

Daniel's Birth

In 1991 I became pregnant with our fourth child. I never had any troubles in my other pregnancies, but early in this one I had several instances of bleeding. Though relatively minor, the recurrence of it concerned me, so one Sunday night in church I told Doyle about it. As we talked, I told him that my mother had a pregnancy with the condition where she bled the entire time, ending up with the boy being born three months premature and living only three days. Doyle told me that was a curse, and then immediately God began setting me free of that same curse.

After that, I had no more bleeding and thought all was fine. Then, one night about half way through my pregnancy, I went in to the restroom and dark blood came pouring out of me! I was horrified and yelled out to Steve that there was something wrong – something terribly wrong! I called my midwife, and she told me several things to do, one of which was to stay in bed, off of my feet, for 48 hours. Then, we called Doyle and asked him to pray. When I told him what happened, he asked me if it was bright red or dark blood. I told him it was dark, and he said that the fetus might not be alive – he didn’t know anything for sure, there was nothing in his spirit, but dark blood is dead blood.

Of course, I was stunned. He said he would keep praying for me. This all happened on a Saturday night, and I was wondering whether to go to the church meeting the next morning or whether I should stay in bed as my midwife had advised. I asked Doyle if I should follow her advice and stay in bed or come to church. (I expected him to say, “Oh come and believe God!”) Well, he said that he could not tell me what to do. He said that this was something that Steve and I would have to settle for ourselves, what we had faith to do. When we hung up the phone, immediately I told Steve, “If ever there was a time that I need to be around the power of God, it is now!” I was convinced that the power of God could help me far more than bed rest! Steve agreed with me.

Then, I went into my kitchen table and sat down to read the Psalms. My other children were asleep, the house was quiet, and I felt devastated! I tried to read but just could not concentrate. I kept thinking, if only I knew if this baby was alive or not, then I would know what to believe. If it was alive, then I would believe for the baby to be healed; and if not, I admitted to myself that in no way did I think I had faith to raise the dead, so I should just set my heart to believe to get through this and be healed up. But, I was very torn as to what to believe for now?

My heart was just wrestling with this - WHAT should I believe? This question kept going round and round inside of me. What should I believe, if only I knew which way to believe! Then, I heard the Spirit of the Lord clearly say to me, “Believe the gospel.” Instantly, I thought, I can do that! I know what that means. My heart was settled right away. I began to meditate on the power of the resurrection, how Jesus died on the cross and carried every sickness and every curse for me, how he put off every wicked spirit when he was raised from the dead, forgave my sins and healed all my sicknesses. I will tell you, that I didn’t focus on my physical condition in any way – what it was or could be, good or bad. I just set my will on the gospel to trust that power that raised Jesus from the dead. I read for awhile and then went to bed. I had amazing peace for the night.

The next morning I got up and got ready for church. We went to the west side meeting that morning and Doyle was not there. Water of Life Ministries had two meetings in Plano at that time, and Doyle was on the east side on Sunday mornings. As soon as we started to worship, I began to weep. Steve began praying for me, and Ralph Edge came over and prayed for me, too. I got some very powerful deliverance. For at least thirty minutes God set me free of witchcraft with much strong shaking (like a dog plays with its toy); it was not very gentle treatment considering bed rest had been recommended! But getting set free of witchcraft did not harm me! I was completely healed. I had no more bleeding after that. Though I did take it somewhat easier that week, I continued to go to praise and worship every morning at church. At the end of the week, I went for a sonogram, and the doctor could find no sign of any problem whatsoever with me or the baby! This little boy on the screen looked completely normal and healthy.

I had no more problems, and Daniel was born in May 1992. But, when he was born, he was very gray colored – not pink like all my other babies had looked. I knew what a healthy baby should look like, and he looked bad. The midwife and her assistants were very busy working on him to clear his lungs and get him to start breathing. He had inhaled some meconium on his way out and could not breathe. They worked for what seemed like TOO long. I had this huge conviction inside of me and prayed – Jesus, we’ve come through too much to lose him now! Don’t even think he’s not going to make it! Suddenly, Daniel started breathing.

The next day, they told me that his heart rate was too high and his breathing rate too low and that we should go right away to our pediatrician because Daniel might have an infection and should probably be put on antibiotics. As we were driving to the pediatrician’s office, I told Steve that a 97% victory was not good enough - that was just not acceptable! For this baby to be almost ok but have to have medication was not sitting right with me at all. I could humble myself and put him on antibiotics if necessary, but after all the healing power that we had experienced, I wanted no less than 100% perfect health. When the pediatrician came in and checked him over, every test came out perfect, no breathing problems, no high heart rate, and no medication prescribed! There were no more problems of any kind. Praise God!

Doyle Davidson had taught us for years to believe the gospel – not believe the benefits. The benefits come through believing the gospel, trusting the power that raised Jesus from the dead. This experience made it very clear to me. We don’t have to believe for the outcome. It’s very liberating when we don’t have to figure out how to pray! We don’t get healing believing for healing. We get healing or whatever we need by believing that Jesus died, was buried and raised from the dead and that same power that raised up the Lord Jesus will work in our lives for whatever we need when we believe.

Oh how I thank God for the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ! Trust the gospel today for victory and blessing in every area of your life. He showed His love for YOU on Calvary!

God bless you,

You can read more of Terre's testimonies on Facebook at "Terre Brown".

God bless,

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Jesus Went to Hell for You and Me

Today many celebrate Valentine's Day with cards, candy, flowers and all manner of things  to demonstrate their love to those they love--and aren't those things nice? Sweet thoughts and gestures, but they last just a short time.

There is a gift that will last for eternity. There has been no greater demonstration of love than the love demonstrated by the Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ,than when the Father sent Jesus to become a sin offering for us, that we might escape eternal judgment in hell to spend eternity in heaven with the Father and Jesus.

Greater love hath no man than this, than a man lay down his life for his friends. (John 15:13)

Jesus, who knew no sin, became sin, He became our sin and He willingly took the  punishment we deserved, so we wouldn't have to.

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin: that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

Listen to the following video message by my friend, Kathie Davidson. as she shares the truth of the word of God. It will be a blessing to you. 

God Bless,

"Jesus Went to Hell For You"

You can find other video messages at: Kathie Davidson (Youtube)

Friday, February 5, 2016

The Best "Firework" of the Night

Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. Psalm 8:2

And said unto him, Hearest thou what these say? And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise? Matthew 21:16

The following is a testimony written by a friend, testifying of the power of God manifesting through praise and worship. It has been an encouragement to me when I'm reminded of it, I believe it will encourage others. God is no respecter of persons, he will do the same for you and me, if we will dare to believe.

God Bless,

The Best "Firework" of the Night

Whenever we pass the 4th of July I can't help but remember how back in 1996 we saw a strong manifestation of God's healing power at our family gathering. We had gone up to stay at my brother's house in the country, planning to shoot some fireworks for the kids that night. My sister-in-law and I went to the grocery store, and all the guys went to buy fireworks.

 When we got home, my brother came over with a grim look on his face and told us that their four year old son had just then had a seizure. When he was two years old his doctor had put him on regular medication to help prevent seizures he had been having, but he still had them occasionally. After one of his seizures he would go into a very deep sleep that would last about 14 hours. My sister-in-law carried my nephew into the house and just sat in the den rocking him for a while.  She didn't say a word; she was very upset. The kids had been so excited to play with their cousins and shoot fireworks but now the evening was greatly distressed.  

 I had only shared the gospel with them a little then, and frankly was not comfortable speaking very openly to them right at that tense moment, but I knew the power of God would help him. So I went into the kitchen putting groceries away and began to just worship the Lord softly. The kitchen was right off the den and my sister-in-law could hear me. I just worshipped God softly and gave thanks for the power that raised Jesus from the dead.  In about 20 minutes, my nephew woke up and sat up on his mother's lap; shortly after that went outside to play with all the boys. Forty-five minutes after his seizure he was outside jumping on the trampoline! My sister-in-law was stunned. 
She said, "Terre you just don't understand, this doesn't happen. After one of his seizures you cannot rouse him for twelve or fourteen hours and now he's outside jumping on the trampoline like nothing happened!" Besides being upset that he had another seizure, she had been disappointed for him to miss out on the fun playing with his cousins and seeing the fireworks, but he did not miss out on a thing.
We cooked out and had our fireworks, but the best "firework" of the night for me was seeing the power of God manifest and bring that boy's healing through simple praise!  Praise stills the enemy!! (see Psalm 8:2 & Matthew 21:16)

Psalm 106:47  Save us, O Lord our God, and gather us from among the heathen, to give THANKS unto thy holy name, and to TRIUPMPH in thy PRAISE!! 


Click to listen to song.

Friday, January 22, 2016

God's Protection

My friend Kristina, has given me permission to share the following testimony of the power of God working on her behalf, on behalf of her children.

God Bless,

"Over the past 2 years God has placed me in situations where I HAD to trust God with my children....I literally HAD too, I had no other choice. This past year has been particularly trying and God has taken me thru each and every situation as I have worked out my salvation with fear and trembling. Eventually coming thru each trial more purged, more sanctified and more justified by the gospel. The anguish of my soul has been unbearable at times and each time I'd come to the end of me.....Jesus was there.
We have been taught that we will need to believe the gospel of Jesus Christ and live in Psalm 91, especially in today's world and things to come. I have prayed this psalm many times for my household and especially my children as I have to send them out often for sometimes days at a time without seeing them. And sometimes just sending them off to school. They are young, real young. It's been a psalm I have held onto and the hope that them leaving like they do will come to an end.
Just this past weekend my sons went on a ski trip to Indiana with their dad. I recall praying during that time Psalm 91 on their behalf. It brought me some peace during difficult moments. I hadn't talked to them until Monday night upon their return. I found out that my oldest son had gotten lost and separated from his brother and dad. Mind you there are thousands of people at this ski resort. Thank God his dad gave them all radios in the event this happened. They were able to talk over the radio but then it went silent for quite sometime as Michael was so afraid and crying so hard and unable to get his gloves off to answer, fear rose. Eventually he was found by his dad but he was one scared little boy.
As I listened to them share and watched as the fear rose in one because he was lost and the either because he feared he would never see his brother again, I realized the magnitude of what reading and believing Psalm 91 was about. It's no lie! No evil came near my son that day. Oh.... it could have and everyday children get lost and you never see them again or something terrible happens to them. But I know and believe strongly that God withheld evil that day and only allowed what happened to happen, because I have set my love upon Him. Michael shared with me how he prayed Jesus thru his crying and fear. I said He heard you and never left you.
Then I shared something that I knew was from the Lord and in a way I never thought. I told him of the story where Jesus leaves the 99 to go find the one lost. I said that one lost was you Michael and you will never be lost again. He cried. That ministered faith to both of us. I thank God that we have been instructed through Doyle Davidson with Water of Life Ministries to believe the gospel and to mix our faith as we read the psalms out loud along with Isaiah 52 and 53. Anything could have happened to him this past weekend but I choose to trust in the gospel and trust God with my sons. This was not easy. It was grievous but He never left them and worked much out of my heart in the process.
I encourage you to listen to the attached video of Kathy Davidson with WOL Ministries preaching the gospel and how to live in Psalm 91. It will bless you. Read Psalm 91 and mix your faith with it.....it works and you will see that for yourself.

God bless
Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. Psalm 91:9-11"

You can find Kathie Davidson at:

Kathie Davidson - Water of Life Ministries

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Back From The Dead

                                   "Oh Lord, give me a simple heart to believe your word."

Excerpt From: A Rushing Mighty Wind by Mel Tari

Mel Tari and others had been instructed by the Spirit of God to pray for a woman who had died, and God said he would raise her from the dead. Because of their unbelief, they did not obey God and the Lord showed them that it was his will to have raised her from the dead that His name would be glorified. They prayed and asked the Lord for forgiveness and said:

"Lord, if you give us another opportunity we really want to believe your word."

Not too long after that, we were in another village called Amfoang where a man had died. He had been dead not only for a few minutes but for two days. The family invited us to the funeral because there were many people planning to come -- as a matter of fact, hundreds -- and they said, "Maybe you would have a word of comfort to give the family." So we went. 

When we arrived there, there were more than a thousand people. That man had been dead for two days and was very stinky. In our tropical country, when you're dead six hours, you start to decay. But after two days -- Oh, I tell you, you couldn't stand within 100 feet of him. You smelled that smell and it was awful. In America, you cannot understand that because in your funeral services, they make everything very good. But it is because of your $2,000. In Indonesia, we don't have a way to make a dead person look so nice. The people there just look terrible in two days after they have died.

When we were there and sitting with the mourners, suddenly the Lord said, "Now please go and stand around that dead person, sing songs, and I will raise him back from the dead."

When my brother-in-law told me that, I said, "Oh, dear! The first time, the lady was dead only a few minutes. That was different. Now we will really get into trouble. This man has been dead two days. Oh no, this is too much!"  My computer was working again. Their computers were working, too. We began to wonder, shall we do it or not? All of a sudden, we remembered how sad we had been when we failed to trust the Word of God. So I just prayed, "Oh Lord, give me a simple heart to believe your word."

I remembered the Scripture as Jesus came to the city of Jericho. Zacchaeus was waiting for Jesus, but he was waiting for Him in the wrong place. He was up in a tree. Jesus said, "Zacchaeus come down." The Lord visited with him in his house and Zacchaeus was so happy. He probably had to come down five or six feet out of the tree to find Jesus. But I believe we in this modern age don't need to come down three, four, or six feet because we are not in trees. We only need to come down about a foot -- from our minds to our hearts. We have all the words of God in our minds, and we do all the figuring out there, and we have lost the power of God. If we would only put the Word of God one foot down from our minds to our hearts, I am certain we could see the power of God move in a mighty way today. 

Then I said to the Lord, "Oh, Lord, please give me a simple heart, and move in our midst." So we decided in unison that we would obey the Lord because we had failed Him before. And we did. 

We went and stood around this dead person. We began to sing. You know that time, the devil said to me, "It is awful for you to sing by this stinky man. When you are 100 feet away, it is bad enough. But now that you are standing near this dead person, when you open your mouth all that filth and stench comes in your mouth. It is foolish to do that."

This is true, but I must still obey the Lord," I thought. So we began to sing. But after the first song, nothing had taken place. So we started to wonder, "Lord if you're going to raise him up, please do it quickly, because we can't stand to stay around this stinky man. We just can't sing any more songs by this terrible smell."

Then we sang a second song, and nothing happened.

On the fifth song, nothing happened. But on the sixth song, that man began to move his toes -- and the team began to get scared. We have a story in Indonesia, that sometimes when people die, they wake up and hug a person by their coffin and then die again. However, we just went ahead and sang. When we sang the seventh and eighth songs, that brother woke up, looked around and smiled.

He didn't hug anybody. He just opened his mouth and [said], 

"Jesus has brought me back to life. Brothers and sisters, I want to tell you something. First, life never ends when you die. I've  been dead two days, and I've experienced it." 

The second thing he said was, 

"Hell and heaven are real. I have experienced it. The third thing I want to tell you is, if you don't find Jesus in this life, you will never go to heaven. You will be condemned to hell for sure."

After he had said these things, we opened our Bible and confirmed his testimony by the Word of God. He not only found Jesus Christ as his Savior, but in that area, more that 21,000 people came to know Jesus Christ as their Savior, because of the ministry of this man. 

Source: A Rushing Mighty Wind by Mel Tari with Cliff Dudley (Chapter 8 Pg.76-78)

Saturday, January 9, 2016

A Beautiful Testimony of A Healing Miracle

I invite you to watch and listen to the video below as a friend and fellow staff member with Water of Life Ministries shares about how her mother suffered a debilitating and painful injury and the miraculous healing she experienced.