Friday, December 12, 2014

Jesus Satisfies the Longing Soul

The Lord has been reminding me of things from years ago and it has been an encouragement to my heart. It is good to be reminded of where we came from, of what the Lord has brought us through even when we weren't considering God at all.

Many years ago I was in desperate situation and I came to the place I believed if I didn't make some changes things could be tragic. I did make a change and it brought some relief but the situation wasn't completely resolved. Months later I was at a crossroad and I didn't know what to do; I didn't know how to go forward; I didn't know what was right, and no one could help me to know what was right. I knew little about the Lord Jesus, let alone have a personal relationship with Him or the Father, but I know now, the Lord put a prayer in my heart and about 11:00 one night I said to God:

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Consider Jesus

Oftentimes, in our walk with the Lord we will find ourselves in situations that test our faith and our love and that is the purpose for them. We may think we have been taken advantage  of or we have been treated unjustly: “How can you talk to me that way?” How can you treat me that way?” Why did you say that about me, you know that’s not true!” “I’ve done nothing to deserve that!” or whatever the circumstance is. I certainly understand those feelings, I have been there and I’m going to share a little about one of those times here.