4 Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught.
5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.
6 And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake.
7 And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink.
8 When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus' knees, saying, Depart from me; for I am a sinful man, O Lord.
9 For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of the fishes which they had taken:
I would like to share a marvelous testimony of the power of God working in these modern days, just like it did in this passage in Luke 5. I trust it will be a blessing to you. Doyle Davidson founder and president of Water of Life Ministries, was a veterinarian in North Texas, specializing in equine medicine. The following are his words:
God Delivered A Foal
"I want to begin by saying I was a practicing veterinarian from 1962 to 1970. I had my own hospital and brought in a partner and another person. God told me to sell out in 1969 and I did in January 1970. Within a very few weeks I saw God do miracles in my life through me to other people. I was amazed at some of the things that God did. But first let me tell you, I was born again as a young boy, born again, received Jesus as a young boy but on July 24, 1970, setting in bed at midnight, I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit and started speaking in other tongues That baptism in the Holy Spirit brought forth the manifestations of the nine gifts of the Spirit—word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discerning of spirits, gift of faith, prophesy, tongues, interpretation, gifts of healing and the working of miracles. The anointing that God put on me brought forth those nine gifts. That was God’s choice, that was not mine—it was not my righteousness nor my holiness because I had neither.
In 1973, just west of here about forty-fifty miles, a man called me who needed help with a thoroughbred mare that was trying to foal. She was a large mare and for any veterinarians or horse people that might be listening and know anything about this, she was a large mare and she had a huge abdominal cavity, swayed down. And this foal was turned, neck twisted, head twisted around and the only way that you could deliver this baby was to take that head up, over, the neck twist and bring it down, if there’s room to make that turn. I’ve turned quite a few. This was a large foal. I’ll go over that again for you veterinarians that don’t know how to do this. If that neck’s twisted and that head’s twisted, you’ve got to take it down and up and twist that neck at the same time and if there’s not room, you’ve got problems, Lord Jesus.
So I was standing there, it was a warm day—Texas gets warm, and I was thinking, “You know, I don’t know if I could do a c-section, a cesarean on this mare and save her,” because of her anatomical structure; I wasn’t sure that I could be successful. And I was trying to decide whether I should do the c-section and maybe lose the mare or euthanize the foal and take it out in pieces—called an embryotomy. And if the mare dies and I save the foal then I have a baby foal that’s got to have a nurse mother and they’re hard to handle, but it’s done. I will give you a little tip, if you got a baby foal and the mother died and you’ve got the courage and not hold me responsible and you’ll get a mother cow for it, the foal will probably do well.
So I was standing there with my hand on the chest of that foal, considering, and the Lord said, “Have you considered praying?”
Praying?! I didn’t know what to pray for. If you don’t know how to pray, you've got trouble. And if you don’t believe that God could deliver that foal, you’ve got greater problems. But God is merciful and He is gracious and He is longsuffering and He is abundant in goodness and truth and I thought, “Well, I believe this is God talking, “Have you considered praying?”
Frankly I was exhausted, physically. I had done everything I could, everything I knew and I thought, “I’m going to pray.” Now listen to me, I didn’t know what to pray, but the Father talked to me. And I had my hand on the chest of that foal, I said, “Father,” and instantly that foal turned every direction, legs kicked, neck twisted, head straight, and right there entering the sunlight were two feet with the foal’s head and his lower jaw lying perfectly in position for those two, one shoulder was back just a little, just right, lying there about 4-6 inches outside of the mother’s vaginal cavity, I took my hands on those two legs and pulled and that foal fell into my hands.
Now this sounds great to you but I am an embarrassed veterinarian. The owner said, “My God what a good doctor!” Now you know why I was embarrassed? I had an opportunity to tell this man what happened. This man owned a roofing company in Fort Worth and had some pretty good thoroughbred horses. I said, “Sir, I’ve got to tell you something,” and I did. I said, “Jesus delivered that baby, I didn’t have anything to do with it.” He said, “How much money do I owe you?” I said, “Well, I will get you an invoice”— “I don’t want a bill, I don’t want nothing, just tell me how much money you want.” This man was so overpowered by the miracle, he was as overpowered as I was, you know that? He couldn’t believe it, the mare’s fine, the foal’s fine. He gave me cash.
One year later a man drove in my driveway and when I saw him I thought, “I think this is the guy that had the thoroughbred mare that God delivered the foal for.” He walked up to me and said, “Doc, I know you are an honest man.” You know why he knew I was honest? I told him who delivered that foal. That was a testimony to him. He said, “I got another problem and I think you can help me.”
Let me tell you, you read the fifth Chapter of Luke and Jesus had been in the boat teaching and Peter had been fishing all night and you know what happened? Jesus said to Peter, “Peter if you’d cast right over there…” Peter said, “Master I’ve been toiling all night nevertheless,” and he cast the nets where the Lord told him to and they got such a draught of fishes that two boats began to sink. And Jesus through the power of God had overwhelmed Peter. Peter fell to his knees. “Depart from me oh Lord, I am a sinful man.”
You know I was worse than sinful—one prideful equine practitioner that had his share of success in eight short years but I spent two weeks, two weeks thinking, “Could that have been a coincidence?” I tell you folks that changed my life.
Do you know I am not a bit sorry that I was that hard, that unbelieving? You know what the Lord demonstrated to me? His love; that He would give me two weeks to think, to consider all that I knew, all that I knew professionally and finally say “That has to be God.” Well do you know who convinced me of that? God." (Source: The Making of a Prophet)
Hebrews 13:
8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
God Bless,
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